Grades due? You gotta be kitten me! This So Much Pun! Record Book features funny teacher memes to keep you smiling all school year! The easy-to-use format will keep you organized and prepared. Spiral-bound, 8 ½" x 11". 64 pages.
Features these helpful resources:
- Student roster
- Behavior and observation logs
- Parent contact notes template
- Parent contact checklist
- Record-keeping pages (26)
- Percentage chart for grading
Use with CTP 8469 So Much Pun! Lesson Plan Book.
So Much Pun! is a décor collection that highlights the humorous use of words and phrases that are alike or nearly alike in sound but different in meaning. The SMP collection uses wordplay to bring a fun and lighthearted vibe to the classroom that students and teachers will love.
Coordinates with So Much Pun! products.