Facts practice Multi-digit addition Regrouping Every child can "do it" with CTPs new workbook series. The activites in the I Can Do It! series provide repeated practice to aid mastery with essential skills and academic concepts. Use these books to introduce, reinforce, or extend learning. Perfect for home, school, or on the go, the I Can Do It! workbooks provide...
Facts practice Multiplication strategies Single and multi-digit multiplication Every child can "do it" with CTPs new workbook series. The activites in the I Can Do It! series provide repeated practice to aid mastery with essential skills and academic concepts. Use these books to introduce, reinforce, or extend learning. Perfect for home, school, or on the go, the I Can Do...
100 Minutes to Better Basic Skills Each book in this series features 100 “Minutes” to help students build basic skills, increase speed in math operations, and strengthen problem-solving skills. Each Minute consists of 10 problems of varying degrees of difficulty that incorporate a variety of skills. Each ten-problem reproducible can be used as a learning or testing tool. Now there's...
100 Minutes to Better Basic Skills Each book in this series features 100 “Minutes” to help students build basic skills, increase speed in math operations, and strengthen problem-solving skills. Each Minute consists of 10 problems of varying degrees of difficulty that incorporate a variety of skills. Each ten-problem reproducible can be used as a learning or testing tool. Now there's...
100 Minutes to Better Basic Skills Each book in this series features 100 “Minutes” to help students build basic skills, increase speed in math operations, and strengthen problem-solving skills. Each Minute consists of 10 problems of varying degrees of difficulty that incorporate a variety of skills. Each ten-problem reproducible can be used as a learning or testing tool. Now there's...
100 Minutes to Better Basic Skills Each book in this series features 100 “Minutes” to help students build basic skills, increase speed in math operations, and strengthen problem-solving skills. Each Minute consists of 10 problems of varying degrees of difficulty that incorporate a variety of skills. Each ten-problem reproducible can be used as a learning or testing tool. Now there's...
100 Minutes to Better Basic Skills Now there's a way for students to practice their math skills in a timed situation, enhance their overall math fluency, and have fun at the same time! Fifth-Grade Math Minutes provides students with practice in every key area of fifth-grade math instruction, including: multiplication division divisibility time graphs fact families solid figures ratio/percent area...
100 Minutes to Better Basic Skills Middle-Grade Minutes features 100 "Minutes" to help students build basic skills, increase speed in basic math operations, and integrate a variety of math skills. Each Minute consists of 10 classroom-tested problems of varying degrees of difficulty, integrating problem solving and basic math skills. Students become active learners as they discover mathematical relationships and apply...
One Hundred Minutes to Better Basic Skills Help middle-grade students master essential math skills with the motivating, classroom-tested Math Minutes format featured in this new book. It provides 100 “Minutes” of 10 problems each for students to complete within a one- to two-minute period. Providing daily practice in every key area of math instruction, Math Minutes is a fun way...
One Hundred Minutes to Better Basic Skills Take just one minute a day to quickly assess student progress in basic math skills! This book features 100 quick drill sheets to help students increase speed in math operations and strengthen problem-solving skills. The 10 problems on each sheet can be done in one or two minutes and are a great warm-up...
Look closely... Everyday objects are all shapes! Conceptos de matemáticas Palabras de uso frecuente Palabras claves Preguntas para medir comprensión Objetos y sus formas geométricas ahora un veo yo círculos cuadrado figuras globos pastel rectángulos regalos sombreros triángulos ¿De qué se trata este cuento? ¿Cuáles son las formas geométricas en el libro? ¿Cuáles otras formas geométricas puedes nombrar? Nombra un...
Who will win a prize in the costume parade? Conceptos de matemáticas Palabras de uso frecuente Palabras claves Destrezas relacionadas Preguntas para medir comprensíon Números ordinales (primero, segundo, tercero, cuarto, quinto) El es Qué Quién Todos un una disfraces disfraz fantasma mariposa monstruo oso payaso premio reconocer adjetivos – espantoso, feo, gracioso, hermoso, peludo reconocer superlativos – el más espantoso,...