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Summer Skills Practice for PreK-2nd Grade

Summer Skills Practice for PreK-2nd Grade

Summer is just around the corner and with this crazy year, we know children will need summer practice sharpen their skills over the break.

Don't worry, we have the perfect resources for students to get some extra learning and practice in!

We have something for all grade levels, but for those parents or teachers who have kids in the Kindergarten through 2nd grade range...this blog is for you! Keep reading for products that will help students this summer keep up with their learning and grow their skills.

Summer learning made easy with printable Skills Practice Bundles!

Think you don’t have the expertise or time to help your child learn? Each bundle provides grade-level essential skills and content to give children that extra boost of practice with just a few pages a day and includes reading, writing, math, and game format activities, plus an answer key!

Set aside a daily “bundle boost” time to help build structure and routine into your child’s day. Skills Practice Bundles are designed to supplement learning being done at home with the parent or by the school via the teacher and offer flexibility as you choose which activities and which days you wish to complete them. There is no right or wrong order of activities or order of the available bundles themselves.


Through the reading of stories, singing of songs, and exposure to environmental print, children learn the association between letters and words. They learn to recognize letters, to know their names and sounds they make. PreK math activities include learning numbers, practicing counting, creating and learning shapes, and working with calendars.

Get your PreK child ready for Kindergarten with I Can Do It! Workbooks

I Can Do It! PreK Pack

The activities in the I Can Do It! PreK Pack provide repeated practice to aid mastery with essential skills and academic concepts. Use these books to introduce, reinforce, or extend learning. These books help build phonemic awareness skills, develop letter and number knowledge, and strengthen knowledge of basic math concepts.


Students in the kindergarten years learn best through lots of fun, hands on experiences. Children develop a deeper knowledge of the association between words, letters and sounds. They also develop a strong number sense to help in mathematics. There are also reading and writing lessons designed to develop basic academic skills to build up success in upcoming elementary grades.

Parents will love our easy to use  Fantastic Tips !


Created by teachers for parents and teachers, this helpful Early Math Made Simple Fantastic Fan includes a wealth of information, strategies, tips, and tricks in a handy "fan" format! Appropriate for grades K-2, this must-have resource breaks down early math concepts to make the content easier to teach and understand! This fan is small and handy tool will help parents support their child all summer long.

First Grade

First grade is where students further develop basic language and math skills. Students learn the features of a sentence, learn to recognize sight words, and learn how to sound out unfamiliar words which is essential in all subjects. They work on reading aloud and aid in their ability to comprehend what they are reading. 

Children have fun learning with our Build-a-Skill Instant Books

This is a 12-book series designed to teach basic skills as students read and reread their instant books. This resource features reproducible instant books focusing on short and long vowels sounds to strengthen their phonemic awareness, and increase their knowledge of spelling programs. This printable product is perfect for summer learning on the go.

Second Grade

In second grade, students expand and grow the skills they learned in first grade. They learn to read longer and understand more complex words in a variety of genres. 

Help your second grader brush up on Reading Comprehension Skills.

Learning to read is a fun and exciting time in a child's life. In addition to being able to decode and recognize words, it is important that children be able to understand what they are reading. Reading comprehension is made up of several skills that can be honed and sharpened with practice and repetition. This eBook provides that along with activities designed to strengthen your child's ability to problem-solve, think critically, and become familiar with the academic language commonly used in the school setting. Print pages from this eBook to sharpen skills over the summer 

Check out our other blog for more on skills practice resources for grades PreK-2


Enjoy a FREE DOWNLOAD of our Cut and Paste Sight Word Sentences Bundle

Also, be sure to check out our 2021 eCatalog on the website here!

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