The beloved children’s television series “Mister Rogers Neighborhood” started in 1968 and aired its final new episode in 2001. Years later, the simple yet profound lessons taught by the soft-spoken gentleman in the sweater and sneakers continue to inspire books and motion pictures about his life and work, reaching new generations. In tribute to the legacy of Fred Rogers, we at CTP are pleased to release a limited-time download of select activities from the series of resource books we helped him publish.
Are you curious how that collaboration came about? Of course you are! CTP’s founders met Fred Rogers’ manager, Bill Isler, when they were at Youngheart Music’s recording studio. At the time, Youngheart and CTP were working on some albums together. Through Bill, they were able to speak with Mr. Rogers and learn that he had been trying to publish a series of resource books featuring activities and lessons based on ideas from his show. That led to a great idea.
Working closely with Mr. Rogers, we created 12 resource books, covering topics from feelings to basic human values. While the books were being developed, Mr. Rogers flew out to our office in California and met with the team who were helping to bring his ideas to life.
He expressed his gratitude for the thoughtfulness that went into the books, and he signed photos for each team member. In addition to creating the resource books, we also recreated some of his puppets from the show for use with the lessons.
Are you ready for a taste of Mister Rogers? We bet you are! We have created a downloadable PDF from two of the resource books, which includes a total of six activities (three from each book). To get your copy and a 20% discount on all CTP resource books, just complete the form below to receive a link to download these activities. We’ll also be periodically e-mailing more activities in the upcoming months. We hope this timeless content helps make the days in your learning neighborhood a little more beautiful.